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It has been awhile since I've done an interview. There has been so much going on, but I finally got some time to interview my author friend Kela Calvin. I enjoyed finding out more about this brilliant author and all of her published work. Enjoy!

What is the title of your first published book, and in what year was it published? My first published book is titled Living Proof: A Bethany Mason Experience published in 2019.

What are your hobbies outside of writing? My hobbies outside of writing are spending time with my family and boyfriend, watching movies as well as true crime, HGTV, and Food Network. I also love reading novels. I'm planning to pick up the craft of crocheting.

What was an early experience where you learned that language had power? Since grade school, I have always loved to write. I knew that I had a knack for writing. In the seventh grade I created a story titled "Attack of the Monster" for a class assignment. My teacher requested that I read it aloud with my classmates as my audience. The class went hysterical!

Does writing energize or exhaust you? Writing energizes me. Especially when i am writing a story that inspires or motivates readers. It motivates me to keep writing stories relatable to readers. 

Who is your intended audience and how do you go about reaching them? My intended audience is one of faith; who has gone through struggles and need to be uplifted. That could be anyone in the church community or anyone who does not attend church. I reach my readers through social media, which needs to be revamped. I also participate in author interviews. To be honest, I am researching ways to expand my reach to my target audience such as utilizing other avenues to publish and sell my books.

How many unpublished and half-written books do you have? What can we expect next? I have two unfinished books. One book is of Christian poetry. I'm kind of torn between a women's fiction novel and a women's paranormal novel. I'm leaning towards the latter, but it's going to be good!

What period of your life did you start your writing journey? I became serious about my writing as a young adult. Losing my brother prompted me to write poetry. I entered some of my short poems into contests and they earned a spot in published poetry books. Then came the idea of writing novels and so forth. I love writing books. It is so exhilarating.

What are the titles of all your published books?

(1) Living Proof: A Bethany Mason Experience by Kela Calvin

(2) Living Proof Two: When The Dust Settles by Kela Calvin

(3) Worthy: A Modern Love Drama by Kela Calvin

(4) L's: Lust, Love, and Lifetime by Therapeutic_Poet

(5) The Librarian: A Winter Paranormal Mystery by K.C. Nightfall

(6) K'Miyah and Kaiden's Easter Rain by Kela Calvin  

My favorite book that I published would have to be Worthy. This book relates to women's personal experiences such as their intimate relationships. It sends the message that we are all worthy and the importance of knowing our worth. This book was dedicated to all women of different shapes, cultures and colors. You; me; we are worthy!

What has been the most successful way for you to market your books? The most successful way to market my books has been at book signings in the past. Social media has not been as successful. As I mentioned before, I am researching ways to better market my books and expand the reach of my target audience. I have a book that was gifted to me by my father on marketing; I will put it to use.

It's been a few years now since I bought your poetry book (L's: Lust, Love, and Lifetime. There were so many poems that I found myself being able to relate to. Which poem would you say is your favorite from your book?

My favorite poem from L’s: Lust, Love, and Lifetime would have to be Phil Phactor. This poem really resonates with me and any other woman who has ever had a crush, but ended up crushed because a person did not feel the same about them. It’s a poem in the form of a letter to the guy who has hurt them. However, through self expression, the crushed woman feels empowered to take back control over her feelings and self respect. She realizes that she is queen.

How can readers connect with you on social media? Where can they go to purchase your books? 

 Readers can connect with me on the following social media platforms:

a. Author Kela Calvin

b. therapeutic_poet

c. author_kela_calvin

d. kechi_calvin 

All of my books can be published from or can be read for free if readers have a Kindle Unlimited subscription. Thank you for the interview opportunity!






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