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Speak these words over yourself daily:
1. I have more than enough.
2. I am loved by God.
3. I have authority over Satan.
4. I am anointed.
5. I am more than a conqueror.
6. I have favor with the Lord and men.
7. I know God is turning things around for me.
8. I am delivered from all my troubles.
9. I am increasing in all areas of my life.
10. I am a new creature in Christ.

If you encounter anyone who speaks anything that is the opposite of what’s listed above, please please please kindly say: I don’t receive those words in Jesus’ name. 🙏🏽
If you realize that you are the one who keeps speaking negative words over your life, pray to God and ask Him to assist you in this area. Say this scripture aloud: Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, oh Lord, my strength and my redeemer. (Psalm 19:14) This may also require some work from you. Maybe you are meditating on the wrong things or hanging around negative people. Be careful because if you cannot change your environment, it will surely change you.
Have a blessed day!

1 comment

  • I agree totally. It is the Word! Irrefutable.

    Curtis Baugh

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